You already hold the wisdom within to help navigate these transitional times. I help you trust it and use it, because your wisdom is so needed in the world.

I also help you support others to trust and share their wisdom too.

These are profoundly transformational times - we’re all feeling it.

Maybe you’re going through a deep personal or professional shift, sensing the old ways no longer fit, but are unsure what’s next.

I know this place well. I also know you carry an immense well of wisdom within you — wisdom that is waiting to be accessed and trusted as you navigate what’s unfolding.

I’m Laurelle—a transformational guide, facilitator, and mentor for women who sense they are here for something more, who have so much to give, and who are going through their own big transitions.

My work bridges the seen and unseen and the practical and the intuitive, guiding you to reconnect with the deeper intelligence of your body, your voice and your energy so you can reconnect to your own unique timing, growth edges and wisdom.

For the world is shifting rapidly, and those of us who support others—whether as practitioners, healers, mothers, space-holders or in other supportive roles — we are being called to evolve and uplevel alongside it.

Our role now is to bridge the old ways and what’s emerging, and to ground into our body’s wisdom in the midst of change, and to trust ourselves and our own paths implicitly.

If you’re feeling the call to realign, to release what no longer fits, or to expand into the next version of yourself, and you’d like some focused transformative support, I offer private spiritual mentorship and deep dive root cause sessions.

I’m so glad you’re here. To find out more about how I can help you, please keep scrolling.

Ways to work with me:

1:1 Root Cause Sessions

A transformative deep-dive session to uncover the emotional and energetic root cause of a challenge, pattern, or physical symptom.

In this session, you'll reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom, release trapped energy and bring healing and compassion to unresolved emotions.

Shift old patterns and limiting beliefs, gain fresh insight and clarity, and strengthen and restore self-trust in your inner connection.

1:1 Spiritual Mentorship    

Deeply focused and transformative 1:1 psychospiritual mentorship for women navigating transition or wanting focused support at this time. If you're ready to trust yourself more fully, move through change with clarity, and step into your next evolution, fully connected to your body’s vast wisdom, this mentorship is for you.

This is a wise, nourishing, and sacred container to reflect, integrate, and prioritise your own healing—so you can continue evolving in alignment with your life and work.

Upcoming Wisdom Within Workshop:
Tune Into your Body’s Inner Wisdom

Reconnect to your body’s intelligence and strengthen self-trust!

Date: Wednesday, 2nd April, 7 - 8.30 pm
Cost $44 AUD